
Frontier Allies is organized around three foundational centers, each of which engages in a combination of on-the-ground initiatives and thought leadership to bolster the security, social cohesion, and economies of communities in crisis.

Our Centers


Center For Humanitarian Assistance

Facilitates the provision of aid in crisis situations and works to strengthen people-to-people ties between those in need and resources.


Center For Expeditionary Economics

Works to boost indigenous entrepreneurship and promote free-market economics in conflict-affected and unstable nations.


Center For Community Resilience

Empowers local communities and grassroot initiatives to utilize available resources to respond to, withstand, and recover from natural or human-caused disasters, from emergency management and incident response services to critical infrastructure.

Sector Engagement

Critical Resources

Securing access to sustainable sources of energy, food, and water is vital for stabilization efforts before, during, and after a humanitarian crisis. These critical resources also contribute to long-term economic growth and opportunity.

Frontier Allies provides thought leadership and resources to improve access to energy, food, and water throughout areas of conflict.

Health Care

Robust and innovative health care systems play a vital role in securing societal cohesion and trust, as well as providing humanitarian relief during crises.

Frontier Allies’ leadership connects health care organizations and resources to those in need.

Information Technology

Information technology has played a crucial role in aiding U.S. allies and partners during the ongoing crises in Ukraine and Afghanistan.

Frontier Allies facilitates partnerships between American innovators and mentors and local entrepreneurs to spur growth and find real-world solutions.